Home - k. k. Hof-Kunst-Bauschlosser und Eisenkonstrukteur ALBERT MILDE

Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt, 9th of November 1904

k. k. Albert Milde

Extrablatt Page 1

Extrablatt Page 1


Extrablatt Page 3 (see the left column in the middle)

Extrablatt Page 3 (see the left column in the middle)


(Albert Milde +)
The former court locksmith and the head of the famous company “Albert Milde & Co.”, Mr. Albert Milde, has died yesterday in the age of 70 years in miserable conditions. Albert Milde and his company have played a very special role in the Viennese art history. Nevertheless, the company’s business and the liquidity started to face the downward trend and from this breakdown, Albert Milde could never recover again. He got into poverty and was supported by his friends. For some time Albert Milde has also belonged to the Viennese municipal council.