about Committee Meeting on 27 February 1888
Present are: Mr. Ziegler, Mr. Hanauska, Mr. Wallner, Mr. Reiss, Mr. Toman, Mr. Usinger, Mr. Fiedler, Mr. Rotter, Mr. Striebl, Mr. Holubetz, Mr. Ehrlich, Mr. Schellenberg, Mr. Ladislan, Mr. Halwachs, Mr. Schuster.
After Mr. Usinger has welcomed those present, he informed that the condition of Mr. Baierlein allows to fear the worst, and Mr. Lehr excused himself for not being present today. Here is the protocol read out and approved.
Mr. Usinger made known that Mr. Milde agreed to provide two doorways for the Exhibition free of charge, and asked in this occasion for a letter of thanks to Mr. Milde...
This transcription is the exact literal reproduction of the original text.